Cyclopean is a project managed by a crazed artist named Saki. I publish tabletop games. I publish maps & assets for D&D. I make accessories & tools. I do anything & everything RPG.
DnDungeon publishes eastern fantasy-flavored battlemaps, setting locations, tools, & cartography assets for D&D, Pathfinder, & any other role-playing game with a grid-based combat engine.
My maps work in every online VTT, from Roll20 to Fantasy Grounds, & there's further integration with Foundry VTT in the form of Foundry modules & cloud delivery. I also have PDFs for easy printing & in-person play — specifically "collage" PDFs that can be printed on U.S. Letter or A4 paper & assembled after printing!
While you can buy my works & other products on Itch, on the Roll20 Marketplace, or on DriveThruRPG, the best way to get them is by becoming a DnDungeon patron. You'll get a slew of extra benefits, including:
And all kinds of other stuff!
Patreon — Homepage — DriveThruRPG — Roll20